Thursday, November 29, 2018

French Revolution Blog Post #2

Due by 10pm on Monday, 1-28

Read the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen (located in packet) and post (as your social class):

To what extent do you agree or disagree with these articles and why?  How do you predict they will affect change in France? Specifically reference AT LEAST 3 articles in your entry. 

You must submit your original post (2 paragraphs min.) and comment on at least 1 other persons post (1 paragraph).

Respond as one of the following based on your last name:

Peasants/ Urban Workers (A - D)
Bourgeoisie (E - H)
Noble (I - L)
Clergy (M - P)
Queen Marie Antoinette (Q - T) 
King Louis XVI (U - Z)


  1. As a peasant, I agree with a majority of the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. With these new proposals, the powers of the aristocracy and nobility will be restricted, and everyone will be able to practice their God-given rights of freedom. Specifically, I agree with article 2, 6, and 13. In article 2, it explains the basic rights of men, including liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. Granting these right to us will allow for us to fight against lords who are oppressing us, denying us of basic human rights, and confining us to our land. We will be able to own land and property, and instead of depending on lords to provide us with homes, we can provide for ourselves. In article 6, it mentions how all citizens are equally eligible of public positions. With this law, the traditional structure of France's political system will be revised, and we will have a greater voice in political and educational roles. Instead of being outnumbered by the aristocrats, controlling the government functions, we will be able to have an equal voice. Lastly, in article 13, it establishes the payment of taxes for nobles too. Hopefully, for France, this will help put us out of debt, because the nobility is finally paying their share for public forces and political forces. Our education system can hopefully expand under this, allowing more institutions to be created because of the influx of money.

    Although these laws are in place, I’m afraid the nobility and clergy will not oblige to them. It says in article 14 that the government can decide the amount of contribution required. I am afraid the nobility in the government will not make their contributions, even under law, due to the corruption already in the government system. Also, if the contribution required by the representatives is too much for me, because of my lack of income, it may lead my family to starvation. Also, I am concerned of the use of the word “citizen” in these articles. Many peasants are not even considered citizens of France, even seen as servants, and will not be granted these rights. I disagree with article 17, stating owner’s property can be taken away by the government. Seeing the trends of corruption previously in the government, the nobility-heavy system may be inclined to take away land from us peasants. Besides these drawbacks, hopefully these articles will eliminate the incompetent from the bureaucracy and allow peasants to have an equal contribution, voice, and right in society.

    1. Dear peasant,

      You are partly right that the nobility won't entirely oblige to these articles but you must understand how some greater issues may arise from some of these articles. While I support your stance on the common tax system across France, we just cannot give the third estate full positions in the government. The third estate primarily works within a limited sphere of influence in their jobs, whether it is in a field or a store, and so they lack the full knowledge and capabilities to pass laws that affect everybody in France. The first and second estates possess the knowledge and skills necessary to control the country and we cannot take the risk to change the entire social dynamics to give the third estate power. In the end, we must maintain the general class divisions that have endured for many years.

      -Noble/Vihaan Jain

    2. I do believe that peasants and other members of the third estate should be able to have more voice and power within the government. However, I think that limiting the power of the government to avoid corruption could take a bad turn. We are working in favor of the citizens of France and the trying to improve the quality of life. Limiting our power could be detrimental to the progress that we have made and could severely decrease your quality of life. Overall, I do think that some of the laws will be good, but some could destroy the progress that we've made to make this nation great.

      - Queen Marie Antoinette/Leah Tucker

    3. I agree with you in that these articles are bringing about a much needed change in France. The other estates need to be taxed in order to bring France out of debt. Also, many people are mistreated and these articles should be beneficial to achieving their god-given rights. I agree with you that some of the articles are flawed and require revision due to wording that could lead to loopholes and corruption. Corruption and misuse of funds has been a repeating symbol in France and needs to change and these articles do not address this and even creates more opportunities for it.

      -Bourgeoisie/Conrad Heil

  2. As a member of the French nobility, I happen to agree with some of the articles presented in the declaration but disagree with some of the others. In general, our nation should continue to support the division between the social classes so that everyone's responsibilities are defined, but some changes are necessary. The primary articles that I agree with are articles 3, 5, and 13. Article 3 emphasizes that the power of the nation should belong to the government of the nation itself and not be disrupted by other forces. As a member within the government, it is definitely necessary for the government to remain the ultimate power of the land. For the past few years, our nation has been plagued with various revolutions that have gone against the government and have brought instability. Therefore, we must show the people that power resides in our government and we can fix the issues in our nation by establishing its authority. Article 5 deals with how the laws of the land are meant to prevent injury to our society as a whole. I completely agree with this as this is the way we can ensure that the population will remain loyal to the government. The income of the nobility and the stability of the government decreased during the revolutions when people were breaking the laws, so we must show that harm cannot be done to our society as a whole. Finally, article 13 institutes a public tax to be given to everybody. Despite being part of the nobility, providing a public tax is the only way to decrease our national debt. Since the nobility earns great income, paying a limited public tax will not pose a great burden upon us and at the same time, bring prosperity to a nation so that we can continue to earn money. Through these 3 articles, we can expect some improvements in France.

    While there are some articles that I completely support, there are some others that will not benefit our nation. In particular, the passing of laws, as mentioned in article 6, should only be restricted to the nobility. Even though the third nobility comprises a great portion of the population, they don't have the experience and judgment to be able to create the right laws for the land. The nobility has the bird's eye view of the nation that gives us the right judgment to pass laws. Also, we can't guarantee that all men are created equal, as mentioned in article 1. The kids of the nobility should automatically be part of the nobility, as they are raised in an environment that gives them the skills necessary to stay in that social class. Similarly, the sons of peasants must stay in the peasantry to carry on the skills of their parents.

    Overall, the passing of the various articles of the declaration may indeed bring upon change in France, but not all of it would be for the better. While it is a good thing that the articles are emphasizing the power of the centralized government and the passing of laws, their idea of reducing the current social class divisions will only bring greater instability. By getting the third estate involved in political affairs, the government would be too enlarged and complicated to pass effective laws. As a whole, while France may witness a reduction in national debt from tax systems and a powerful government, a new host of issues may arise from the social changes that the third estate is proposing. I recommend some changes in the articles of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

    -Noble/Vihaan Jain

    1. As a fellow noble within the government I can totally agree with you that some of these articles can benefit the government others may mess it up. As you said the country is built upon the government and some of the articles threaten that. With the position and people of the government getting attacked and threatened this can throw the very people as ourselves who run this country out of balance and then the great France we know will crumble. However it is good to keep a centralized government this way we can have a stable power and keep control of the people and our nation.

    2. As another noble in the second estate I agree with your disagreement to article 1. I also believe that the phrase all men are created equal is false because people who are born into nobility should be able to remain in nobility and have the powers that come with their birthrights. I also agree with this because I believe that the first and second estates have more rights than the third estates because of that fact that we have more knowledge and we should stay in power. I also believe that by giving the third estate equal opportunities as the higher two estates, the social system that has been in france will be altered causing much disrupt in the country.

  3. As Queen Marie Antoinette, I do not agree with many of the statements in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. Many of the statements do not work in favor of me. First of all, statement 1 does not mention that women are born free and equal. Women participate and contribute just as much to society as men do. I stand alongside my husband and help him run the nation to the best of our ability. I hope that all women within the nation would be able to have an opportunity to be influential as well. This statement will not allow my hopes to come true. Along with that, statement 3 limits the amount of power that my husband, the king, has. Without us, France would not be where it is today. We are working in favor of the citizens of France and trying to improve their quality of life. All our actions will work to benefit them in the long run. Without this power, my husband and I will not be able to improve the nation to the extent that we would like. Although there are many statements that I do not agree with, I do agree with statement 8. As I support the enlightenment ideas, this statement will help abolish unnecessary torture. The enlightenment ideas have done a lot to improve France and will help us make it the best it can be. In order to keep this in place, I think that we should support all enlightenment ideas, including abolishing unnecessary torture.

    I believe that these statements will overall negatively impact France. First of all, King Louis XVI and I have worked very hard to improve this nation and make it the best for the citizens. With these statements, this would limit his power and our influence in politics. This could lead to a series of unfortunate decisions that could backtrack on our progress or decrease the quality of life of the citizens. Along with that, some of these statements do not support enlightenment ideas, such as social equality and more progress. Some statements reverse this progress and put women inferior to men again. As we have worked so hard to promote these enlightenment ideas, it would be a shame to go against it. Although there are some statements that do support the enlightenment, it is violating some of the major ideas.

    1. - Queen Marie Antoinette/Leah Tucker ^

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Although I do agree with you that the Declaration does not mention anything about the rights of women and slaves, I think you are overlooking the point and revolutionary progress made from this Declaration. Improvement is still in progress, this Declaration shows progress being made on social and political reforms that should have happened a long time ago. You and your husband, King Louis XI have failed to provide effective reforms to the people of France, instead you have been following your own agenda and continued to tax us helpless peasants. I think to come to an agreeing conclusion between the government and the people, power should be shared. If the people believed in your rule in the first place, they probably would have not created reforms against the absolute monarchy. The new reforms will encourage a new advancing culture that connects us with the rest of the world. France may experience the same scientific revolution in other areas of Europe and lead the way for new intellectual discoveries. Additionally, these new reforms could expose us to a new culture based on our improved economy because of the rising merchant class, industrial revolution, and new tax reforms.
      - peasant/Ella Chung

    4. I, a French noble, see reason in your argument but I do not agree with all of your statements. I agree with you on the fact that article 8 will help reduce unnecessary torture and support enlightenment ideas.This law will help us to establish a more just community. However, I do disagree with you on article 3 because I think the power of the ruler needs to be limited. The king, one person, should not hold absolute power. Overall, I think that these changes will have a good impact on France, contrary to what you believe. I think that the changes will for greater economic prosperity and more balanced society for the French people, including us.

      - Noble/Leah Larocco

  4. As a noble I can agree with some of the articles in the Declaration of Rights of man and Citizen but I can also say I do not like some of the articles presented. An article however I do appreciate and can stand behind would be article two which is stating that each man has the right to property, liberty, security, and resistance to oppression. I can agree with this because generally speaking everyone should have a house and be protected by the army and they should not feel threatened to live here in France especially under the rule of our government.

    However under some articles I cannot stand behind some of them are just too out of range for me to be able to back. As a noble I believe that I should have power, not as much as the king of course, and my rights should not be taken away and I should be benefitted. For example article 1 where the second part says social distinction is placed on general usefulness. With that article I sort of see it as a threat to my position with the people thinking that I have not done anything useful to get into this position like I was born into it I am rightfully here and superior to everyone else. Another one I can disagree with would be article 3. It says no individual may exercise authority not emanating expressly thereform. I disagree with this because with our king in power look how we were able to become one of the strongest nations in Europe. With the king we were able to build up a good government and society we need to have this sort of centralized power because if we don't everything will be thrown out of balance and into chaos. Some of these articles can help our nation but others may as well throw our nation out of balance which we have worked so hard to achieve.

    Noble/Alex K

    1. Dear Noble,

      I cannot agree with your views on the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. Article 1 is extremely important in order to agree with the ideas of Enlightenment. Inequality is what causes social instability. You mention that with the king, everything is fine and in order, however that is not correct. With the king, the Third Estate has to face oppression. The Third Estate is the only estate taxed, and we also have no power in the government. At the rate our country is going, we will be drowning in our debts. Everyone must be taxed in order to decrease our debt. In addition, Article 6 allows anyone to hold public positions, according to their abilities, which means that Article 1 allowing all to be equal will not play a role in threatening your position. Perhaps it is actually your lack of ability that you fear will disallow you from maintaining your current status. In addition, it is better that we allow a variety of people to hold public positions. This will allow the government to hear out the voices of people from different estates, which will allow more representation for all citizens. With these articles, our country can maintain social, political, and economic stability. This will only allow France to become stronger as a country, and it will only change it for the better, not the worst.

      -Bourgeoisie/Gabi Franco

  5. As a Bourgeoisie, I agree almost completely to the extent of the articles. Particularly articles 1, 3, 6, 10, 11, and 13 stand well with me for the fact that they represent equal rights among all citizens, no matter the estate one belongs to. However some articles could use some revisions such as articles 3 and 5. These articles have the potential to be misused and unfairly imposed.

    I believe that a majority of the articles, such as 1-4, will positively affect France in that the natural rights of man and citizen will be explicitly stated, and therefor more prominently shown in society. Meaning, the ninety-five percent will not be unfairly treated and have liberties as well as the nobility and clergy be humbled by the articles. Certain articles, while they may seem to benefit France as a nation, I believe that they could still be misused and abused by corrupt nobles or clergymen. Article 5 in particular seems to be the most vulnerable to corruption in that officials could impose laws that don't necessarily hurt society as a whole but are damaging to a certain demographic. This could also be interpreted as if it is not forbidden by law, or not deemed hurtful to society as a whole, it cannot be legally stopped. This could be dangerous as officials could find loopholes in the articles and laws and unfairly treat the ninety-five percent despite all of the articles about the rights of man and citizen.

    -Bourgeoisie/Conrad Heil

  6. As a peasant, I assert that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is a major step towards attaining the freedom that us peasants & the Third Estate have been longing for. I agree with the majority of these articles because they give the Third Estate more freedom and rights. I strongly agree with articles 1, 4, 5, 6, 11, & 13. Although we don’t always think of each other as equals, we should still be granted equal rights because everyone deserves liberty, no matter what background (Article 1). By doing this, it is essentially giving equal rights to all of the Third Estate, which is more than 90% of the population. France would have less revolutions because the population would be content with having equal rights. We should also have the freedom to do what we want as long as no harm is being done, and we all should have the freedom of speech as long as we are not using it in an injurious way (Articles 4, 5 & 11). Again, by giving the Third Estate a voice and by allowing them to have independence & autonomy as long as they don’t cause any harm, France will be able to stabilize. We should also be able to have a chance to enter any public position or occupation (Article 6). I agree with this because I think that eligibility to enter a job should be based on one’s talent and ability, not social class and wealth. The Third Estate would able to have a variety of jobs, and some could even have a political role in the government and have a voice. By allowing people in the Third Estate to have positions in the government, corruption would be reduced because nobles and the upper classes tend to succumb to a state of extravagance and overindulgence. Finally, I think that establishing a common tax & imposing it based on one’s means and wealth, as said in Article 13, is a great way to reduce France’s debt. By implementing this article, it would reduce the tax burden of the Third Estate, especially peasants. We are shouldered to pay taxes, but we are the poorest class, which proves ineffective. By making the richer upper classes shoulder some of the burden, the tax system would become more balanced. I agree with the fact that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen would definitely improve France’s society and overall structure.

    Although I think that this is a huge improvement in France’s condition, resistance from the upper classes is inevitable. There will always be some type of discord stemming from the nobility and the monarchy. However, I remain steadfast in my belief that the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen will create some significant changes, and our efforts will not go to waste. I hope that these articles will be strong enough in order to make a big impact in France and reverse its bankrupt, chaotic state. If the government continues to be indifferent towards the demands of its population, then I’m afraid there will continue to be chaos; but if we were just given these basic, essential rights and freedoms, then I would feel confident that France could become a united, major European power like it used to be.

    - Peasant/Joseph Caluya

  7. As a peasant in France, I am satisfied with the new reforms from the Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen. I am happy to see that the National Assembly has considered the lower-third estate when writing these rights and extended these rights to all citizens of France, avoiding discrimination. This Declaration legitimized our natural rights and uses new Enlightenment ideas that emphasize individuality and social reform. The articles that particularly stood out to me was those regarding tax reform, balances in government, and freedom of expression.

    Article 13, discussing the tax reforms state that taxes are essential to a society, but the taxes will vary and be distributed proportional to the means of a citizen’s ability to pay. The majority of France, including my peers have agreed that the upper classes should pay taxes to lift the burden off the peasant class. I am happy to see that our popular demands have been heard and acted upon in this new act. I believe this will affect France by reducing the amount of protests against the unreasonable taxes among the third estate and improve the economic state of France. If the taxes are proportional to how much a nobility makes, the state could gain a large amount of revenue from the upper-classes. Also, because we, peasants are now able to afford more things and worry less about our next meal, we are able to work less for a better pay. Peasants, such as I, may have more time and money for leisure. We will become involved in a culture based on purchasing goods for our enjoyment and contributing to the universal culture of sports and mass produced items. The next article that stood out to me was Article 16, implementing balances in the government and Article 6, giving equal opportunities to everyone in government, regardless of class. Learning from our past mistakes, France has implemented a new government of checks and balances. This will make sure none of the citizens feel that their opinion is not heard and that they are not receiving the reform they desire. This will allow the French government to serve the needs of their people instead of ruling an absolute monarchy motivated by the nobility and upper class’s personal agenda. Lastly, Article 10 expresses freedom of religion to all citizens of France. This change will bring in different cultures to the French society and lead to the decline of power of the Catholic church in France. Similar to the other nations in Europe, the French people will no longer be restricted by God and will be able to think for themselves. This may lead to new motivation for scientific discoveries in nature and increased authority towards the government because it is no longer influenced by the church’s agenda.

    1. - peasant / Ella Chung

    2. As King Louis XVI, I disagree upon your statements of Article 10, 13, and 16. I believe that the First and Second Estate should not pay taxes, as it would create more rebellions within our estates. Peasants are to continue paying taxes, and that all peoples who rebel against this action are to be banished. I also believe that France's population is to stay devoutly Catholic and not be open to any other religion, as it is only God's will for our nation to remain Catholic. Your implementation of checks within the government is also useless, as our actions are only justified by God and myself. Any person who is to go against our actions is against the nation of France. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen awfully tries to impose equality for all estates, but many of its acts only benefit the peasants in the Third Estate.

    3. - King Louis XVI / Anne Janel Zapanta

    4. I understand your delight in equal opportunities, but I believe you're forgetting that the demographic focused in this declaration is male citizens. Women are assumed to be included, but it doesn't specifically state that women will also be allowed these positions or have equal rights and opportunities. That difference in rights based on gender is one of my bigger concerns. Also, I agree that the nobility should be help more accountable for some of their activity in the economy and maybe the way they abuse it, but I also believe that dissolving the monarchy is not the way to go. If control is given to the people, conflict could arise, especially with all the new cultures and ideas filtering into our society that you yourself mentioned.

    5. - Queen Marie Antoinette // Paris Saint-Marc

  8. I agree with a majority of the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. These rights allow the change we need for our country. I mostly agree with articles 1, 6, and 11. Article 1 allows equality for all of France’s citizens. This article specifically agrees with my ideas of Enlightenment. I have experienced first hand how inequality affects people, and without Enlightenment social order is extremely unfair and unstable. In addition, article 6 gives the ability for all citizens to have public positions and occupations. Previously, I could not have any power in the government, even though I had accomplished many things. My talents and hard work are the sole reason that I am in the upper middle class, and yet nobility, who were born into their class, are offered power in the government and I am not. With article 6, I have this privilege without having to pay the king unreasonable money. In addition, article 13 puts a common tax among all of France’s citizens. This is important because if all citizens pay a common tax, then our country’ debt will decrease. In addition, this allows for a better economy and a chance to regain economic stability.

    Overall, I believe that these articles will have a positive effect on France. The articles help to impose equality and fairness put on the citizens of France. With equality, there is more social and economic stability. Social stability is ensured by equality because the Third Estate will have less burdens with the taxation of all estates. Less burdens upon the Third Estate means that they are less likely to be unhappy and revolt. In addition, economic stability will be ensure when all people are paying taxes that will help to contribute to our country’ debt. In addition, the king’s power is limited, which means that he cannot have absolute control. This is better for our country because more rational and logical decisions will be made with the government having primary control. These articles will help to improve our country greatly and ensure that France and its people will have a better future.

    -Bourgeoisie/Gabi Franco

  9. As a French noble, I do support some of the articles, but do not support some others, in the Declaration of the Right of Man and Citizen drawn up by the National Assembly. I agree with article 5 which states that the law can only prohibit actions as are harmful to our society. I think this is a good and just law because it allows people more freedom while still making sure that France is a safe and joyous country. Another article that I stand by is article 7 that says no person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases of soliciting, transmitting, executing, or causing to be executed. It also says that if you are taken to be arrested then you shall abide by the law and submit without delay. I agree with this law because it will keep peasants and worker in line and keep the upper two estates, myself included, from making bad decisions, or trying to corrupt France. As long as I and my fellow citizens stay within the boundaries of the law and act like moral people we should see no reason to reference this law that often.
    I do not agree with article 1 which states that all men should be equal in rights. Nobles, as part of the elites of France, should be given more and better rights than peasants or workers.
    One article that I agree and disagree with is article 13 which states that taxes should be collected from citizens so that France can prosper. However, I do not agree with what is later says which is that these taxes should be collected from all the people of France, including us nobles. I believe that taxes should be due to just the third estate as they are the ones who are supposed to support the French economy.
    I think these articles will cause a completely new France. With these new laws in place, some will be angry, and some will be happy. But overall, the wellbeing of France should improve. Having stricter and more just laws will hopefully make France safer and allow our us to grow as a nation politically, economically, in population, and in the expansion of culture. Although some people will lose rights, many will gain rights. All in all, with my best intentions for France, I think that there could definitely be some pros and good outcomes from this new declaration.

    - Noble/Leah Larocco

    1. As a bourgeoisie, I respectfully despise your opinion. Although article one is bad, it is not because the reason you have stated. The nobles have long been a burden on the third estate, and even though you lazy nobles are less than 3% of the population, you take the most food and money! The stricter and just laws are designed so you nobles will abuse the third estate no longer. The only joy France will have is when the nobles are finally gone, so the third estate can breathe. As a bourgeoisie, I am as wealthy, if not wealthier, than you. But, I got all my wealth myself! I am a self-made man, unlike you lay nobles whom always disagree with anything that might make you put in effort.

      - Bourgeoisie / Eddie Hsieh

    2. As a peasant, I do not agree with your opinion. Yes, article 5 and article 7 are good for the purpose of the law, but your views on human rights are disagreeable. Regarding article 1, it is important we have the same rights as the nobles, because we work harder than the nobles! The 1st and 2nd estates oppress the lower classes and place the burden of taxes onto us, despite the effort peasants put toward the well being of France. It is a basic human right that every man is created equal, despite our social class. Peasants should be evaluated based on their work and income, not the class they were born into. These new articles attempt to fix the flaws in this system, granting us the freedom we deserve. Same with article 13-- the peasants support the nobles, and we give our resources and revenue you, so it should be a requirement for every man to pay the same amount of taxes, decided by representatives of the government. Despite these differences in opinion, I do agree with your statement that France will become safer and grow in politics and economics as a nation of freedom and liberty.

      - Peasant/Lydia Costantian

  10. As a member of the bourgeoisie, I mostly agree with the contents written in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. The three Articles I agree with the most are four, six, and fourteen. The ones I disagree with the most are one, thirteen, and fifteen. Four, six, and thirteen are all about equal opportunity, with distinction based on skill. One, thirteen, and fifteen are about taxation, money, and social distinctions. Today I will give reasons for why I favor the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen.
    I favor it as a bourgeoisie because it eliminates the ability for nobles to have all the best jobs. Article 4 states “ the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits”. This means that no man is above another, which means nobles can’t order other men, who most likely are more successful, to do anything due to their bloodline. Article 6 states “All citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents.” This will finally get rid of the near useless nobles, and allow their roles to be filled by the much more competent bourgeoisie. Article 14 talks about how all citizens have a right to decide the necessity of public contribution. This means the bourgeoisie like me might be able to keep avoiding taxes by contributing a different way.
    Article one talks about how social distinctions may still be founded. As bourgeoisie, we want the only social distinctions to be accomplishments and wealth. We wouldn’t like others like the nobles, but this law is bearable because social distinctions founded by general good should avoid the creation of tyrants who rule with bloodline. Article 13 says that all should pay taxes based in proportion. As a bourgeois, we would contribute a lot more if the tax was a percentage. I feel a more static system would be nice because I do not want to give away so much coin. The final article I disagree with is 15. People should not get public agents, because some bourgeoisie are doctors and lawyers, and public agents would take away well-deserved money.
    Besides those 3 articles, the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen is extremely fair to the bourgeoisie. Once the small issues are fixed, the bourgeoisie would like the articles to become the basic governance of France, because they allow equal opportunity for everyone.

    - Bourgeoisie / Eddie Hsieh

  11. As King of our nation, I highly disagree with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. I believe it is such a foolish play for the third estate to do. I mean, what gives them the right to rule? In this Declaration, I fail to agree upon the creations of articles 3, 13, and 15. These articles go directly against my monarchy and I, and as divine ruler I feel quite offended that my peoples are to go against their nation. For example, Article 3 states that “The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.” I disagree with this statement as the people of France should be looking up to its monarch, not the other way around. If the people are to disagree with any law or action I do they must endure it as they are to remain loyal to the nation of France. The creation of this article keeps me at strings like a marionette, as all my actions must abide by my citizens. Without a ruler to set laws and pursue actions for their nation, France will surely fall apart.

    I believe that a change must also come from Article 13 and 15. These are not just a mockery to me and my wife, but to everyone throughout the first and second estate. Article 13 states that “A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the coast administration. This should be equally distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means.” For as long as France has stood, the first and second estate were never required to paid tax. The peasant class represents majority of our population, and they should still be the ones required to pay tax. With the creation of Article 13, the stubborn peasants have now created financial conflict within the first two estates that may cause more rebellions. Article 15 gives threats specifically towards people in power such as myself, stating that “Society had the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration.” Why must all of our actions be revealed to the public? Our actions are based solely from God’s will and are for the economic success of France, the article mocks my decisions entirely and opens them to the public for discussion. The article was made to criticize me, which is why I most highly disagree with this Declaration. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen only benefit the useless lives of peasants in the third estate, greatly undermining my abilities as our divine king.

    - King Louis XIV / Anne Janel Zapanta

    1. With all due respect Your Highness, I have to disagree with your opinions on the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. You say that peasants and the Third Estate should shoulder the taxes, but wouldn't that seem too harsh on us and quite ineffective in reducing France's debt? By taxing the poor, you are not able to get as much money because we have nothing to give you. If you were to start taxing the estates more equally and allowing the First and Second Estates to pay, then we wouldn't be in so much debt because you and the aristocrats are far richer than us peasants are. I don't think that this would cause more rebellions because peasants wouldn't be paying so much taxes, which was one of the roots of the rebellions in the first place. In addition, our lives are not as "useless" as you think. We provide food and labor, and without us, you wouldn't have those 5 loaves of bread on your table. I know that you think that the Declaration is absurd, but think about all of the unrest that would banish as soon as you take our needs/wants into consideration. I can assure you that France will improve greatly if you just took the time to care for your population.
      - Peasant/Joseph Caluya

    2. Your Highness, I must respectfully disagree with your opinions on Article 3 and 15 in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. The monarchy that you and your wife stands behind has done nothing but further caused our nation to fall in endless amounts of debts. With your heavy involvement in the American War for Independence, it has cost us millions of dollars and with your wife’s grand parties and extravagant spending, she has further deepened our debts. You are unfit to rule France for you have almost caused our great nation to near bankruptcy and you support foolish radical reforms that will do nothing to help the people. You view yourself as a direct representative of God and given the divine right to wield absolute power over France, but you failed to address the grave financial problems that we face. That is why we need the Article 3 and 15 in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, to ensure that France will not face the same disaster again. On the other hand, I agree with your perspective on how unfair and unjust Article 13 is to the classes throughout the First and Second Estates. Having every citizen in France pay taxes based on their status is ridiculous and it will decrease the amount of money that nobles, such as I, will earn. Although I do believe it is very unfair to the nobles and the clergy in the First and Second Estates, it is also necessary to have for it will help with the economic crisis that France has right now.

      - Noble/ Ya Xuan Ke

  12. As queen, there are some rights in this declaration that I approve of, but there are also some that I do not agree with. Let's start with the ones I agree with. I've always been an advocate for peace among the citizens in France, and within the declaration there are some rights that attempt to lessen violent outbreaks between people. In article 5, the first sentence says that acts that may cause harm to society are forbidden by law. I wholeheartedly agree with that. I also agree with article 9 and 10 in the sense that no one is guilty until proven and that everyone deserves to have their own opinion without consequence. During the revolution, innocent people were executed for differing opinions and crimes they were thought to have commited. I support these articles because I support the people of France in the way that they deserve safety and fair law.

    On the other hand, there are some articles that worry me. First of all, article 1 concerns me. I have all for equal rights, but the article in no way mentions that women will also be equal, and since I'm a women, I can't agree with rights for only men and not women. I also disagree with article 3. Article 3 basically states that individuals rulers won't have the power that they once did, and I can't agree with that because it would limit the power that my husband and I have. I've said previously that I do not think it is a good idea for monarchies to be dissolved because individuals ruling over themselves have led to violence.

    For future France, I am worried that these rights will limit women. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, as the name suggests, focuses more on the rights of men, forgetting about women. I also think the monarchy will continue to lose power because of the individuality that these new rights promote.

    - Queen Marie Antoinette // Paris Saint-Marc

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    2. As a noble of France I strongly agree with your points when it comes to article 3 and how it declares we may lose some of our power. I agree that this is an outrage and limiting our power may be disastrous to the future of France. We as nobles and as Kings and Queens are supposed to rule the ones below us and now it is being taken away. I also agree that many of these articles are positive like article 9 speaking of innocent until proven guilty. You also bring up many points about the future of women in France, as a male French noble I do not see many problems with the declaration regarding women, your roles will change as well but may also stay the same and I am perfectly on board with the rights of women not changing. This declaration may not talk of women, but I am sure it is implied, but I am a French noble male what do I know, but you are our gracious Queen, you must know better than I.

      Noble/ Iago Lashua

  13. As a noble of France, I would like to say that I agree with the majority of articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. I agree with Articles 1, 2, 7, and 17 the most because it represents the Enlightenment ideas that I believe in and protects our rights while restricting the power of the royal crown and the state. However, I disagree with Article 13 because it is unreasonable and foolish. Article 1 states that men are born free and have the right to remain free and equal. I firmly believe in Article 1 because it represents the core values of the Enlightenment ideas that I align myself with. The Enlightenment stresses reason and how it will free humans from ignorance. Article 2 declares that every political organization should aim to preserve the inalienable rights of man which are liberty, property, safety, and resistance against oppression. This also corresponds to the social contract found in the Enlightenment that states the government should act in the interest of the people and not the state. If failed to do so, the public has the right to change leadership through electrons or other means. This will provide nobles and the citizens in other Estates the opportunity to have a voice or a say in political offers. Article 7 states that no one is to be allowed to be arrested without a judicial order. Under the previous monarchy, many nobles were imprisoned due to the Ancien Regime or from direct orders of the king that allowed him to imprison individuals without trial. I am glad that with this new article, it will limit the power of the monarchy and ensure that nobles and other Frenchmen will not be arrested without following the procedure first. Article 17 indicates that anyone who has property will not be deprived of it and can only be taken by the state if an indemnity is given. This article greatly works in my advantages because it protects the property that I and many other nobles own. It will restrain the government’s right to take away my property. Article 13 calls for all citizens in France to contribute to taxation and are based on their resources. This basically means that I, a nobleman, will have to start paying taxes, something I didn’t have to do before, and this angers me because it will affect my lifestyle and my ability to live extravagantly.

    Article 1 will reduce the amounts of slavery present in France and promote equality between all Estates in France, including the peasants and farmers who make up the majority of the population. Article 2 grants the basic rights of men to every citizen in France and I worry that it could lead to further rebellions and resistance because it enables peasants and workers to have the power to fight against people who have oppressed them. It could also lead to peasants and farmers refusing to work for the nobles and this will harm the noble class for our main source of wealth comes the rent that farmers and peasants pay to live on the lands that we own. Article 17 will protect not only the nobles and clergy against the evil monarchy that France was established on but also middle-class men who own property and it limits the king’s authority to take our lands away. Article 13 will allow for economic prosperity and stability and help our nation with its national debt. Having a stable economy will also benefit France as it will help the government to build up infrastructure, created a centralized rule, and focus on intellectual movements. It will reduce the tax burden that we forced on the peasant class and provide with more money to spend for themselves and for others. However, it will decrease the amount of money that nobles, such as I, will earn.

    - Noble/ Ya Xuan Ke

    1. Dear noble,
      As your queen, I don't agree to article 1 since I think there could never be true equality in the society and that higher classes should have the right to hold somewhat more rights than other classes. In addition, the first article only mention equality among all men, then what about the women. In my opinion, I think women should be treated equally as men and that they can have equal authority in the society. Higher classes women should hold the same authority and power in the nation as higher classes men. Therefore, in all context, I do not agree with the statement made in article 1.

    2. Dear noble,

      Do not worry as I, Queen Marie Antoinette, hear your concerns. I understand why you don't agree with Article 13 and I agree that nobles like you should not be paying taxes. I have always been grateful towards you and the rest of the nobility for working so hard to collect taxes and devoting much of your time to serving the King. I am outraged by the Third Estate’s audacity. What makes them think they can demand to take away your freedom from paying taxes? Instead of complaining, they should be thankful that nobles like you give them a place to live and protect them from harm. Are they not aware that they reside on the land you control? I hate to see you have to shoulder a heavy tax burden, but unfortunately, some peasants even have the audacity to refuse to pay taxes and we are still in debt.

      -Queen Marie Antoinette, Zola Sayson

  14. The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen serves to retaining order within our nation. I firmly agree that keeping our people and the government in line is of great importance to ensure that our country’s downfall will not be due to incompetence. With this document, pertaining to the natural, unalienable, and sacred rights of man, stability of France will be sure to come. I do believe in morals, especially those relating to government affairs, but my attitude toward some of the articles cause me to be in a state of unsureness. As a leader, the Declaration of RIght of Man and Citizen will surely be helpful, but only to a certain extent. I find some articles to limit the equality between people, not only to say that it is unfair for me; I can promise you that. Please do understand my concern toward infringement of a certain group of people being women. I will further explain what I mean, but as a female ruler aiding in the guidance of France, I do believe I am able to advocate for fairness of such laws for everyone.

    To my dismay, Article 1 mentions that men are born and remain free and equal in rights. I “dare” say that women are to be deemed just as important so that we can be “worthy” of acquiring such a right. Also mentioned in this article is that social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good. In all honesty, social distinctions do stem from factors such as wealth, but only those that are able to support other peoples like nobles can directly help the economy. I am aware of farmers, etc. that provide food, but the ability to clearly think a situation, especially in desperate times, is critical in sustaining a prosperous economy. Such a characteristic is found to be in leaders, hence my (hopefully) affecting opinion of this document. Going into a more general perspective, Article 2 states that all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. I do agree with this to an extent as a country with no freedom cannot truly live. The only thing I can think to say with this is that there are some things that should be kept in mind so that no havoc may be caused between all the estates would be the possibility that such an article could be taken advantage of. If the government were needed to be funded more than it already is, but people claim to be in despair having to suffer with increased taxes, what will become of our economy then? Our lives are full of unsteadiness in which problems can strike at any moment. If you fall under such cruelty, I sincerely apologize. The only thing to do from falling to an extreme low point is to get back to where you aspire to be at. This leads me to Article 6 which says all citizens, being equal in the eyes of the law, are equally eligible to all dignities and to all public positions and occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents. Although I do agree that one’s abilities do determine their capabilities regarding jobs, etc., I also believe that we must respect those that hold power due to their status. Generally, one’s status comes with wealth. I am sure for the third estate to hear this must be angering, but such people are the ones who ensure our welfare by attending to government affairs, etc. I cannot help but predict that these articles will bring a better chance that France will thrive, but respect and equality among everyone should remain to be in our highest regards. With this, France will come to be a remarkable foe known by all.

    - Queen Marie Antoinette/Arielle Sevilla

  15. As Queen Marie Antoinette, I mostly don’t agree with The Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens. Many articles in The Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens did not provide my King Louis XVI and me with any favor nor did it benefit social and political structure in France. To go more in depth on why I don’t agree with the Declaration, I’ve picked out three articles stated in the Declaration that I disagree with. Being a woman, article 1 already made me disagree with the Declaration. Not only I don’t think men will ever be truly equal, but also I think women should feel the equal treatment as men and that higher classes should provide better rights than others to show our royal blood. I also disagree with article 3, my husband is the King of France, he and I did as much as we can do to ensure that our citizens are living a peaceful life, therefore, we have the right to hold more authorities than other and I don’t think this authority should be taken away from us. Lastly, I disagree with article 14 because it limits my husband’s power while giving others the power the right to decide for public contribution. This could also lead to a decrease in our economy due to people not wanting to contribute to paying taxes or not paying enough taxes to support the nation.

    Overall I predict that The Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens will not benefit our nation and possibly lead to a downfall of our society. Although this Declaration could provide some extend to the freedom of peasants, it could still damage the nation’s economy in the long-run. This Declaration will change France tremendously by completely change the King and Queen’s authority which eventually might cause a decrease in France’s political and military structure and the nation’s power.

    Queen Maria Antoinette // Patricia Song

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    2. As a French noble, I disagree with your thought upon article three. Even though you guys have been trying your hardest, I believe that there needs to be a change to end the debt that you two have brought this country into. I disagree with your opinion upon article one because I believe that everybody should have equal rights. Equality in rights will change our country for the better as a whole because it brings more peace. When it comes to your viewpoint on article 14, I agree because I do not believe that everybody should have a say. I do not believe that the peasants should be able to make a statement for themselves as they are the lowest class within the country. However, I believe that all of the power should not rest in your hands. When it comes to your stance upon the Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens, I disagree because our society is already falling and we need to make a change. This change will be done by the Declaration of Rights of Men and Citizens instead of keeping the things the same that they are right now.

      Noble / Alex Jung

  16. As a noble of the second estate, I agree with some of the articles and disagree with some of the articles as well. The first article that I agree with is the article 1 which states that men are free and equal in rights however must be divided for the greater good. I agree with this article because I believe that our country should remain with the same social classes in which our country has remained for a long time. By giving the third estates more power, we do not know how our country will turn out since the first and second estate also have more knowledge and power. I however also agree with this article because I believe that all three estates should have equal rights because I believe the second estate should be able to go into the positions that we have studied and worked for. I also agree with article 5 which says that laws will only be enforced to prohibit actions that are harmful to people. I agree with this because I believe that harmful actions that hurt the society and the population should be the only things that should be prohibited because people should have equal rights and equal treatment.

    The first article that I would disagree with would be article 6. In this article, it says that every citizen has a right to participate and are equal in opportunities for political positions. I wholeheartedly disagree with this article because I believe our country will not benefit from this article. The first and second estates have been eligible for public positions and occupations because we have more knowledge and experience in these occupations. By giving the third estate the chance to have political power that would give people easy ways to move up estates thus causing a problem in the way we have our social classes. I believe these articles with change France because they would change the social system that has been enforced for a while and enforce the rules that benefit our country.

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    2. Dear nobleman. As your King, I agree with the fact that you understand that not all men are created equal and that some are just born in better social positions and with more power than others. Therefore I also agree with your argument against article 6, because we both understand that the peasants of the Third Estate are simply not intelligent and capable enough to compete for political positions with the much more sophisticated and educated First and Second Estate elite. However, I must disagree with your views on article 1, because all men should not be "free and equal in rights". There is a reason that God placed people where they are in the world. For example, I was placed to rule over France because God saw the extraordinary talent that I was blessed with and thus placed me as the King of France in order to make it more powerful. Therefore, no other person in France could replace my brilliant intellect and masterful strategies, especially not some Third Estate peasant with no education whatsoever. This is also why I heavily disagree with your statement that all the estates should have equal power. The Third Estate simply lacks the sophistication and intelligence needed. Its better off letting the truly educated First and Second Estate deal with the important issues.

      - King Louis XVI / Jessica Wu

    3. Ok King Louis XVI. The people of France need to have their voices heard. The third estate is suffering greatly to even buy flour so that they can have a simple meal. All men ARE created equal and therefore should be equal in rights. Yes some people are born into better positions, like myself, as a Bourgeoisie, but that doesn't mean that they have any more actual worth than anyone else. We Bourgeoisie do so much work that we are not recognized for, and we don't get appreciated for any of it other than usually not having to pay taxes. Yeah we have money, but we still have no political voice so really right now no one is equal and someone could come into power and take you down any minute so watch your back. But in all seriousness, the third estate has no financial stability and it is you who is failing them and therefore this country. If everyone had a voice then the majority of France would be able to come to a decision for a better future for our country.

    4. I must say that I disagree with the first article stating men are all equal. I hope that it could be reworded to say, "all men," which generally refers to both genders. Dear King, please take into consideration that women are extremely vital in the world. We bear the sons that hold thrones and undertake kingdoms. Regarding your insight of Article 6, I agree with the stance of the higher classes. Yes, it is true that because of our status we have access to things such as high education which would not be available to those who hold occupations deemed "lower." Usually, people are seen as unfit to take positions that would be held by someone of higher authority/status. In all honesty, this comes with the fact that education is something that one has to pay for. As unfortunate as it is, the wealthy have an advantage in being better-equipped in dealing with situations requiring one to think deeply. Such examples would include military strategy or economical crisis'. All in all, I mainly agree with your points because of the reasoning behind them.

      - Queen Marie Antoinette/Arielle Sevilla

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  18. As the King of France, I severely disagree with the newly established Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. In fact, the name itself goes against the core beliefs of our great nation of France due to the fact that the King or monarchy is mentioned no where in the title. However, I am targeted throughout the entire document and indirectly criticized through every single article in the document. This is absolute madness. The people are questioning my authority and this should not be tolerated. Because I am King, I deserve to have the power to create the constitution, and not some illiterate Third Estate peasants who can't even spell their own names. Although I disagree with the document in its entirety, I particularly disagree with articles 1, 3, and 15.

    Article one states, “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good”. However, this is an absolutely ridiculous statement, because divine intervention has placed people in their proper social status, and opposing this fact is blasphemous. For example, because God placed me as the ruler of France, I am therefore the most suitable person to rule our nation and there is no other option. Also, there are no “free” people in France with “equal” rights, because everyone in France is my subject and therefore serve me as their master. Besides this, Article three also is a false statement because it says, “The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation”. As mentioned before, because all of the people of France are essentially my servants, I tell them what to do and not the other way around. The article states that authority must come directly from the nation, and only I am the nation. I represent France because I am the monarch. Lastly, Article 15 states that, “Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration”. First of all, this statement implies that every person is a “public agent” to the country of France, when in reality, there are very distinct social tiers, such as the monarchy rules France and does not serve as a “public agent”. However, even if this were to be true, why should everyone report back to society? To be very honest, most of the people of the Third Estate have no education, so even if the “public agents” reported back to them, it would just show the obvious lack of education and stupidity of the people of the Third Estate. In conclusion, France should not be left to rot in the hands of uneducated, illiterate, mundane, and blasphemous people. Furthermore, this disastrous Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen must not be placed into effect. Doing so will only cause chaos in society, and the only way to establish peace and prosperity again is to re-establish me as the King, and rightful master of France.

    - King Louis XVI / Jessica Wu

    1. As a noble of France, I agree with half of the statements thar are presented by you (respectfully, your majesty). First off, you have stated that you are able to ruin the basic freedom of any man you want, despite the natural order that was given by God himself, even if he has given you divine power. This is a breach of power, and hypocrisy which should be revised and removed from your Royal aura. Also, you have stated that the majority of France is uneducated and unowrthy of society, yet stated later on that it is because of the Delcaration that society is in chaos, This, sire, is a divine disaster of words and a confusing contradiction, with all due respect.

      Noble, Mickey

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  20. As Queen Marie Antoinette, I have mixed feelings for the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. Most of these articles contradict with my ideas, particularly Articles 3, 6, and 14. I do appreciate the National Assembly for creating this declaration in order to remind all citizens of their rights and responsibilities. However, I am worried that the declaration is limiting my power and change is happening too fast.

    To begin with, I find Article 3 the most outrageous out of all articles. This article says that sovereignty resides in the nation, not the monarch. But why should sovereignty reside in the nation if King Louis XVI received the right to rule from God Himself? As devout Catholics, all of us are religiously obliged to obey the King; whoever rebels against the King is committing sin. This article will affect change in France since it undermines the God-given authority of the King which may reflect a weakening hold of religion. I also do not agree with Article 6 because it disrupts the social order in our country by allowing all citizens to be eligible for any dignities, public positions, and occupations. I personally think that someone’s class is determined by birth; trying to rise above your given class is an act of selfishness. The bourgeoisie, for example, utilized their talent to earn a higher status and they soon became greedy and started demanding more rights and privileges. If peasants acted this way, who will be left to farm crops to sustain the population if all of them were too “talented” to be farmers? Lastly, I cannot agree with Article 14 as it says that all citizens have a say as to the necessity of taxes; what the taxes are spent towards, how much of it is collected, and how it is collected. I don’t see why the taxation system, in general, should change because up until now, we have asked just the right amount of taxes from the peasants to be able to pay for national expenditure. If all citizens were to decide on the way the taxation system was executed, of course, they would make it so that they paid as little tax as possible given their greedy nature. As a result, we cannot be able to pay off the money that is owed by our country.

    -Queen Marie Antoinette, Zola Sayson

    1. Dear my great Queen Marie,
      I would have to disagree with you on Article 3, in how God Almighty gives your husband the right to rule. Yes, it is true that he gives the ruler the divinity to rule, but due to his terrible experience as a ruler, poor decisions for our country involving corruption, poor economy, and laziness, it is more than obvious that God's will is no longer with him. God does not condone a leader who sins as much as he does without repent. Therefore Article 3 is necessary, in order to elect a parliament of rulers ordained by God Himself to make sure that each ruler stays under God's will. I hope that you understand this sacrifice is for the greater good of the country.
      God be with your husband,
      -Noble, Ryan Lockhart

    2. I apologize but I too would like to disagree with you on your stance regarding Article 3. As is clearly evident, relying solely on the monarch to lead this nation to prosperity has failed. It is time we attempt a different method of ruling France in order to regain hope that we can break out of this financial crisis. Though I do respect your authority and the position of the Church, I can not stand by your opinion on the 3rd article.
      - Maria Isaac / noble

  21. As a French noble, there are many things that I agree with that is purposed within the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. I believe that this declaration is necessary in order to improve the country as a whole. One specific article that I agree with is article number 9. I agree with this article because without this article, there would be a lot of unnecessary drama that could be caused by someone "proving" someone guilty who is not guilty. I believe that each party of the incident should be presented innocent until they are proven to be guilty. Another article that I agree with is article number 1. I agree with this article because I do not think that any man should have more rights than another person. For example, if one peasant was able to hit other peasants legally while the other ones could not hit back, this would cause chaos. An article that I partially agree with is article number 3. I partially agree with this article because I believe that no one person should have all of the power. If there is one person who is in charge, it only takes one uneducated, selfish, and corrupter son to ruin the country. Once the country is ruined, it is at risk of being invaded and may not be a country anymore. However, I partially disagree with this article because I do not believe that peasants should have a say within the major decisions for the country. I think that many educated people as a group should make the decisions. Overall, I agree with the overall ideas of the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, but there are some instances where as a noble I disagree.

    I believe that these changes will have a positive impact upon France because the idea of a monarchy is not working for France. King Louis XVI brought the country into major debt which could have been fixed by listening to what other had to say and making sure everyone came to an agreement. With the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, the country can be changed for the better. Power will be taken away from the King and dispersed among everybody which is great because he was not doing a good job as the King. The idea of equal rights and power will help the country become better because then there would not be as many angry peasants who do not want to do work. In the end, I believe that the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen will make improve our country as a whole instead of benefitting one person.

    Noble / Alex Jung

  22. As one of the nobles of the great French Empire, I have several bones to pick but also bring to light with this new, radical and rebellious declaration from this assembly. As a lord, it lies in my power to ensure that this great nation can endure the financial, political and social hardships it does endure. This can be accomplished by a number of ways that I couldn’t care less about, but the only ones that shall not work are the ones that wish to take our power and give it to the poor beggar peasants. So in order to make sure France stays affluent and great, there must be some changes made to this interesting idea presented by the radicals.
    One of the major focal points I agree with is Article 3, which says, “The principle of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation. No body nor individual may exercise any authority which does not proceed directly from the nation.” I believe that the reign of the tyrannical and money-hungry monarchs is over. However, I believe that if we were to elect a parliament of nobles and lords who know how to successfully lead the nation, then we would be able to fully balance out the power of rulership. If we were to change up this article slightly to adapt this idea, then France would be brought out of this state of chaos. Another article which I believe shapes the idea of the French people well is Article 15, which says, “Society has the right to require of every public agent an account of his administration.” This is in respect towards my fellow lords who sadly do not possess the great wisdom and power of lords such as I. For too long have their lust, wroth, and envy gone out of control, constantly destabilizing systems of government that is beneficial to us. So, if we were to keep those filthy rats under control and under the eye of the public, we, as lords, would run much smoother and more efficiently.
    However, as this declaration is one of the radicals, there are obviously some very poor misjudgments that need to be fixed. The blindingly terrible article is Article 14, which says, “All the citizens have a right to decide, either personally or by their representatives, as to the necessity of the public contribution; to grant this freely; to know to what uses it is put; and to fix the proportion, the mode of assessment and of collection and the duration of the taxes.” As these people wish to spread their ideas to everyone, it is understandable to where this pestilence is rooted from. Nonetheless, the idea that a lowly farmer has any idea on how to control the government and run its resources is laughable. Therefore, this should be modified in order to benefit the country, as they say, it should. In order to do that, the lords and other qualified members of society should be the ones deciding what happens. If we are educated, then we are able to make smart decisions. Finally, one of the other blatantly terrible articles is Article 13, which says, “ A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration. This should be equitably distributed among all the citizens in proportion to their means.” As I have stated countless times before, the peasants cannot be trusted to do the administrator’s job. For them to attempt to evenly divide up the government’s money would only lead to more thievery and corruption. In order to counterbalance that, a system of similar sorts should be enacted except with the lords, especially the tax collectors, at the center of this. That way people with knowledge and experience would be able to maintain the public forces. If we as a nation are able to understand the sacrifices that our people must make for the greater good, then we shall flourish, whether under a modified Assembly, or something completely different.

    -Nobles/Lords, Ryan Lockhart

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  24. As a noble, I believe in many of the claims made in the Declaration for the rights of man and citizen. I believe this documentation is important for the future of our nation and that many great points are brought up that will help us strive and become an ever greater nation than we are today. One of the first main points that I believe is important is number 5 speaking of how the law has the right to forbid "only actions which are illegal" and anything that is not forbidden may be allowed, I find this personally appealing because of my nobility I will be able to better myself in many ways as well as protect me and other civilians from unnecessary discourse or jail time. Another good point brought up was point was number 4 speaking of how "liberty consists of the power to do whatever is not injurious to others" this is interesting because it shows that men can treat each other with freedom and you can work others and help others and not be against the law unless you have done something illegal, which I as a French noble have never done.

    There are a few points claimed in the declaration that I do not agree with however, and some of these are so appalling and against my way of life I am disgusted. One of which is number 10 speaking of how people may never be disquieted because of his opinion, even on religious matters. I cannot stand for this, religion and Christianity is what I have lived for throughout my entire life and now a declaration is saying one may speak against me and God and not be punished, even if they are a peasant worker. This is an outrage, many points brought up I can stand for, but this is unacceptable! Another outrageous point is similar to number 10, number 11 speaks of free communication and press. So now a peasant worker can say what he wants and publish it for all of France to see and go against his superior or God or the King, this is disgusting and I cannot stand for it. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen is a way to push France into the future, and I can see many positive outcomes with this declaration but some of these points may be the fall of France.

    Noble/ Iago Lashua

    1. Dear Nobleman,

      As King of France, I definitely agree with the points made in your second paragraph. Free communication amongst the peasants only means that these radical revolutionaries will be able to spread their voices causing more dissent amongst the nation. It also means that more people will uproot our way of life, and demand even more rights. I am fearful of what will happen should the masses mobilize against us, and I strongly believe that no good can come out of Article 11. In addition, I agree with your opinions on Article 10. These people are so craven that they would reject the one true religion, the one that has created all of the estates in order to guide our society as it has for centuries! This system has worked for centuries and it is obvious why: it is because we have the support of our religion. Without this support, we will be the target of God’s wrath and not even my divine right will be enough to save us.

      I also am coming to agree with your opinions on Article 5, and the other Articles talking about just laws. While I disagree with many things about this Declaration, I am in favor of bringing France to a better future and these new considerations of being more just and fair may help in that regard. However, I disagree that it must be an assembly of the people that carries out these new equal laws. Why can’t it be the monarch that carries out the law of the land, as it has been since the dawn of our kingdom? Why should we relinquish our rights to govern? I believe that these systems should be in place, but with the crown and the nobility at the head of these systems, not some upstart peasants!

      - King Louis XVI/Alex Wong

  25. As a Bourgeoisie, I mostly agree with the articles. The reason for this is that a lot of the articles are either beneficial to me, or neutral in how it does not impact me much. As a Bourgeoisie, it is important that I have a voice in the government. We Bourgeoisie have not had a voice in the government, and that voice is something we really want and need. It is also integral that I am not paying taxes, as those were for the peasants. The articles that make me lean more towards agreeing with it are the fourth, sixth, and fourteenth, especially. The fourteenth article gives all citizens a right to have a voice in politics, which is something that is highly desired by people of my class. Article 13, for example, is an article that I disagree with. This article would force me to contribute to the taxes. As far as I am concerned, a voice in government is well worth the price of some taxes.
    I predict that these rules will affect change in France by giving many more rights to the third estate people, especially more towards the lower end. I believe these rules will make society much more stable as well. Instead of having very frequent revolts by people of the third estate who are unsatisfied by their rights, people will be much more peaceful. This will also help the economy out by not just taxing the third estate. Equal amounts will be drawn from each person. Overall, I think these rules will have a beneficial impact on France, pulling it out of the turmoil it has been in recently.

  26. As a respected noble in the great nation of France, I have a few thoughts on the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. I have to say that I agree with article one which states that all men have equal rights, but the social system/division of estates may be used when needed. I don’t see why not the men of our country can’t have equal rights since if things don’t turn out as planned, we have a course of action to initiate. Though I am nervous about allowing a group of peasants and workers to have a say in the fate of France, I am confident that the true forms of justice won’t fail when they are needed. Article 5 is another declaration that I will stand by. Why should we waste our time prosecuting cases that don’t pose a threat to society, citizens, and our current way of life? As long as your actions are not harming the world around you, I believe that there is no need for these actions to be considered a crime initially.

    There are various articles I would disagree with as well, such as statement six. This article presents the idea that all citizens should have the right and opportunity to obtain all positions, public offices, and employments. The people of France who are had been placed and began a life in a certain position shouldn’t have to deal with the risk because a farmer wanted to confront the status quo. The third estate is completely unqualified for public office positions. They are not versed in the political aspects of our country well enough, and having a worker in a powerful position will add nothing to the knowledge and natural instinct that the second estate possesses. Though I do support equality, I can not idly stand by and watch the foundations of France be torn apart and made into a joke.
    - Maria Isaac / noble

    1. I disagree with your reasoning as to who gets the right for public office positions. First off, not all of the third estate was made of workers. One part were the Bourgeoisie, which included wealthy people who owned both land and businesses, such as factories. If anything, we should have more of a right than you. Instead of just being born into nobility, we have had to work hard to climb to the top, showing both perseverance and dedication, both of which are important traits for a government official or leader. As far as knowledge goes, I believe it is you who do not know. All you nobility have done is turn the other cheek to our pleas, clearly not possessing the instinct or knowledge to run the government correctly. Because of your ignorance, the government was overthrown by us of the third estate.

      Bourgeoisie/Giulia Fornesi

  27. As the middle class of France, I support and agree with the articles in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. This declaration allows me to be recognized for my work, as well as express myself in it. Article 2 states, “The aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.” This means that I am able to keep my properties, a well as have security for the goods that i trade as well as the plantations that i work with. This also means that if my needs are suppressed by people who are in the government and/or rule over me, i would be able to resist and stand my ground. Article 6 states that “Law is the expression of the general will.” which means that I would be able to express how i want to do my business to make more money and increase my economic well being. I would be able to raise higher in social class because i would have more money. Article 12 states that military forces are established for the good of all and not just the ones who can pay for it. This would help me protect my assets better and there would be less things to worry about because of that security.

    This will majorly change things in France. The poor will become somewhat financially stable, or even become middle class. The nobles and clergy would have less money because things would be equal, all parties are taxed and acknowledged for things they do. The old first and second estates will be knocked down a peg, and may even have to send someone to work for the family to keep their lifestyles. Food will be more affordable because with the extra tax money, there will be more to go around for supplies and paid labor. This declaration also touches on people being oppressed by any means, so that would slow down but not completely disappear. Overall, France will become more financially stable and the people within France will be temporarily happy with the way things are.

    - Bourgeoisie/Ariana Espin

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Even though I agree that people should have better equalities and better justice, like in Article 11, I disagree on letting there be more representation in the government. This might led to disputes, or conflicts. I am also worried that these articles will signal to limit the monarchy. And while it might not seem like it, the monarchy does everything in favor of the French people and without the monarchy things would not be as done as quickly and swiftly as they are. The monarchy keeps everything in balance, while though it is a shaky balance. If the monarchy was limited and not as absolute as it was before it could have distruotus on the French government.

      Even though I agree that people should have better equalities and better justice, like in Article 11, I disagree on letting there be more representation in the government. This might led to disputes, or conflicts. I am also worried that these articles will signal to limit the monarchy. And while it might not seem like it, the monarchy does everything in favor of the French people and without the monarchy things would not be as done as quickly and swiftly as they are. The monarchy keeps everything in balance, while though it is a shaky balance. If the monarchy was limited and not as absolute as it was before it could have distruotus on the French government.

      Queen Marie Antoinette, Hermela Shoarega

  28. As King of France, I believe that this declaration is utter blasphemy! How dare these people presume that they can control the government? Who gave them the right to even think this? I was ordained to be King by divine will of God, and it is through Him that I have my legitimacy. These people have no right whatsoever! And their demands of equal rights and no social distinctions is not just ridiculous, but contradictory! For example, in Article 1 when they said “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good” they admit that social distinctions can be created for the general good! But who is to decide this so-called general good? The government made by the Third Estate? They claim that I am tyrannical, but at least I adhere to a system that has been in place for centuries, rather than giving myself the power to arbitrarily make social classes whenever I wish.

    And, it is not just their baseless claims of control over the state that worries me. The policies made in this declaration are completely contrary to keeping order in France. Indeed, many of these articles will steer our country to the path of ruin! For example, in Article 14 they give all citizens the “right to decide, either personally or by their representatives, as to the necessity of the public contribution.” This means that this new government is giving the right to decide taxes, to the people! Of course this will lead to ruin, since no one wants to pay taxes, and thus they will reduce taxes to such a low extent that the government cannot properly function. And with our fiscal disaster, this would compound on that problem further! In addition, their Article 11 which grants complete freedom of “promoting ideas” is just another way to spawn rebellion. Their vaunted promotion shall just be used to further radical ideas, and create instability as widespread information that goes against the government will be distributed, creating the conditions for large scale revolt. This declaration must not be passed, as it will lead to the ruin of our great nation.

    - King Louis XVI/Alex Wong


  29. I agree with the general aspect of freedom that these articles are trying to grab at. For example, I agree with article 4,9, and 11. I agree that people deserve justice and equality under the law. If it weren't for these articles then I would've have been guillotined much sooner and with a more speedy, yet unfair trial. However, I feel as the majority of these articles are taking away the absolute power of my husband and of mine. These articles give to much free will, and I worry what will become of the citizens if that happens. I fear that people will be too revolutionary for comfort. The peasant population of France needs to be guided, to be told what to do, and by the monarchy.

    I feel as though France will think that they don't need the monarchy, which has been set in place for centuries. I fear that people will become too free-willed and start to get out their place. Suddenly, peasants will demand to be on seats in the parliamentary or to be king themselves and then were would we be? These articles will shape France into a radical country, where people will be lost without the absolute monarchy. I believe that these articles will limit the monarchy, and though I understand that it is to preserve the fragile government and economy that would not be a wise decision. The monarchy tries and does do everything in the favour of the French people and their nation.

    1. Queen Marie Antoinette, Hermela Shoarega

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. As a noble of France, I agree with the near majority of these articles presented in the declaration, seeming fair and reasonable. However, there are certain articles listed that I have deemed unreasonable and not worthy of value or obedience. For example, article four is an article that summarizes the right of liberty for all men, under the natural order of man and God. It is only right for all men to be allowed freedom, and no estate should be deprived of such. Liberty is one of the main reasons why the current state of France is unfortunately how it is now.

    However, certain articles that I simply cannot abide to are articles 11 and 5. Article eleven states that although all men are free, they are without censorship and can speak their mind freely, not aware of their potential radicalism and extremism. Article five states that the law is only available to prevent what it states unlawful, and certain things that just so happen to be dangerous to society may or may not be stopped, regardless of whether or not it is in the law. This is definitely a breach of law and justice, and will only distort the order of France as it already is. These articles are a threat to my position, and are the enemies of the French people, disguised unfortunately as the saviors of the people.

    Noble, Mickey

    1. Being a noble, I agree with your statements. I believe that some of these articles have the potential to be beneficial to France, but with some of the new Enlightenment ideas, our positions are indeed threatened. Article 5 is too radical in determining what laws have the ability to become laws. Article 11 is also radical because people have different views due to their upbringing.
      - Noble / Amaya Logwood

  32. As a member of the French nobility, I believe that some of these articles are correct, while others are simply circumstantial. For example, I disagree with article 1. This article goes for absolute equality, which would cause chaos. With our current estate placement, everybody knows their place in society. If you are born into power, that is your placement to be accepted. The nobility has a special placement, as well as the clergy and everyone in the 1st and 2nd estates. Though it may come across as harsh, our job is to keep order within the French society, and our social classes allow us to do so. I also disagree with article 14. This article states that any citizen has rights in deciding their public contribution. I think that different estates should hold different powers, including in making decisions. The nobility has been raised in a life of politics and dealing with state affairs, so they have a better perspective on how to handle situations. This gives us a fair view as well as unbiased options, therefore certain people should be able to decide public contribution.

    Though those were some articles I’m strongly against, there are some that I believe to be fair and just. One of these includes article 7. This article is about people abiding to laws set for them. It includes every citizen and is not divided by estates. This will assist in keeping everyone in line to better the French society. If we are strict in what we consider an offense, so we can limit rebellions, resistance, and overall illegal activities. I think that some of the articles are beneficial to the French society at this time, but some of them will cause too much chaos. That being said, we came together as a population to set these articles. They should be considered strictly experimental due to our unpredictable situation. Hopefully, we can fix ourselves as a nation and continue to grow.
    Noble / Amaya Logwood

    1. Dear noble, I have to say, I really agree with your logic on article 1. I think that if this is implemented at the social level, there would be destruction of the social order. If everyone is equal, who reports to who. No, the current social order provides that everyone has specific tasks to complete that in and of themselves keep the state order. That being said, I think that implementation of this on a spiritual level would allow for increased spiritual devotion and more religious unification. I also agree with you in regards to article 14, because the National Assembly as they call it will take advantage of our social classes and force us to pay more taxes, which is wrong because we are who they look up to, as spiritual leaders and in the case of nobles as a sort of leader.

      Clergy/Will McColl

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. As a member of the French clergy, I would have to say that I do not agree with most of these articles. They create too much too handle to reliably unify, and the religion at the core of the French state is seriously undermined. In particular, article 10 indicates that free religious views should be respected by everyone in the French society. I fundamentally disagree with this statement, because Catholicism is not only a factor used for political unification and it is used most importantly to reach eternal life and to live this life on earth in good morals and spiritual devotion. If some rampant religion full of false gods infiltrates the French state, then there will be massive trouble, and our eternal life will be jeopardized. I also disagree with article 14. This is because it states that all the Frenchmen get to decide who pays what taxes. This is wrong as well. Although by God we are supposed to not let greed overcome us, it is important that a well established tax code is created. This most certainly is not, because this National Assembly as you call it will see no choice but to tax the clergy in particular in excess. Our money is put to good use to improve upon the praising of the Lord, which is why I disagree heavily with this statement.

    In terms of what I like about the Articles, which is insignificant in comparison to what I hate, a few things come to mind. I really like Article 1, because it says that all men are equal. This will allow even more spiritual devotion that will, in the end, unite the French state under one religion. However, it should mostly be limited to the spiritual side of things, because if not, consequences, such as the destruction of the social order will occur. In my mind, this includes spiritual equality, one of the principles of the Catholic teachings, which is good, explains why I like it. Another article that I like is article 11, which indicates some sort of free speech, and everyone can communicate. In my mind, this is awesome for religious unification, because if everyone converses on problems and strengths of the Church, a far more prosperous and morally good religion will come out. Although I like these aspects, I strongly advise to scrap most of these articles.

    Clergy/Will McColl
